Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lighthouse Elemental!

Well after another hectic week in IMedia full of storyboarding, making of sock puppets, filming, editing, flash animating, library reading, trying to understand ethical theory, paper reading and report writing, I find myself sick in bed for the weekend when it's sunny's orders I guess!

Lighthouse Elemental', our latest project for Contemporary Art in the Public Realm (CAPR) had it's 'showtime' last Wednesday, 14th April 2010. It was a rewarding experiece and I gained so much from it. As a class we seperated into 5 groups and each group simultaneously projected their piece on the front facade of U.L's Plassey House. Each group was given a theme. We decided that we would each take one of the 'Four Elements'. As we were the fifth group and there are only four elements, we decided to take influence from Captain Planet, a children's catoon were eac character was named after an element, however they had a fifth character called 'Heart' which was changed to 'Spirit'.

Spirit as a theme was more difficult than I thought it would be because as a group we all had different ideas of what it is. It lead to much brain storming and trials and finally Sophie came up with the 'Lips' which lead to this video being produced.

Sophie's original 'Lips' video

Vinny created some ideas too. This mad me start thinking about how we could use the lips, what they would look like, what sound we could use etc. So I made these two videos.

The 'Lips' idea didn't really stick though. It didn't represent 'Spirit' and it was really hard to storyboard and script. We went back to the drawingboard came up with a story and decided to use puppets(suggested by Mikael) as our main characters.Filming took up a lot of time, as did post-production! But eventually we got it all together.

What was nice about this project also was that we didn't just work in are small groups (Vinny, Sophie, James, Myself and Lucy) there was also big class involvement. There was all the pre-production elements, mapping out the building correctly, the putting together of videos, setting up of projector etc. Aladdin generously did a lot of work to make it possible, and we got to benefit from his talents!I learned many lessons and tips from this experience eg. video doesn't really look great when projected, time management is key to success and group work, it's hard and complicated!

It was a proud moment standing on the grass watching the videos with friends who came to see the show. The same feeling you get when your in a school play and it made it all worth it!

Here are some videos from the day taken

This is our part 'Spirit'

G x

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1. "living room"

One of the papers I decided to read as part of the research for my thesis is

“living room” Interactive, Space-Oriented Augmented Reality by Roderick Galantay, Jan Torpus, Mala Engeli from the University of Art+Design, Basil, Switzerland.

The paper was based on an installation project Galantay, Torpus and Engeli did using Augmented Reality. One of their main goals was to “investigate the design of interactive, space-related aspects of augmented reality” which I felt was similar to my project. They also wanted living room to be “Not just a tool, but also as a new media” , they envisioned it to be used for many purposes.

I felt the paper talked a bit to much about technology, although I suppose it was necessary for them to log what they did, as a reader it was a bit heavy in that sense, although I did get plenty of idea’s from it.

I liked the research method they used, a survey. They seemed to get fairly good responses from it. However I got me thinking about my research methods more and I decided I would do more then a survey and implore some more of the methods that we learned in class.

I think as one of my research methods I definitely want to go out and interview various people in person. I enjoy meeting new people and I find it very inspirational for ideas. I did this in my F.Y.P for my undergrad when making an e-learning game for children. We went to the school and interviewed them in groups and did user-testing. We found it very rewarding and some aspects of the project were changed for the better because of this.

The paper gave me lots of ideas and I feel it is helpful in a starting point for my project. In seeing what they did, I kind of got the idea of what way to go about my project. I can take tips from them of what they did and avoid the problems that they had in the project.

Like me they mentioned that their finances were sort and they used opensource software called ARToolKit, although they did address it’s shortcomings it is something I would like to investigate.

The paper gave me loads of ideas and new thoughts about my thesis.
Is my thesis too simple?
Should I explore something more complex like virtual reality?
Should I use a prop such as their HMD? Would it make it more impressive?

It also made me think about the sound in my project? Sound is something I enjoying messing around with and creating. Audio was my favourite subject in my undergrad. So I would like to do something impressive for my project in that sense.

At the end of the paper they discussed their further research and listed out questions that they are going to explore. I found some of these inspiring and may apply them to my research. They also listed some of the literature that they read and referred to which was a big help.

G x

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

IWAMD Installation Project - Second Irishood

For our first assignment in the elective module Contemporary Art in the Public Realm, we were to make an Installation to be featured in the new U.L building for the IWAMD. We were given tape footage from the library achieve for the IWAMD and asked to incorporate it.

After much brainstorming and team collaboration, James, Lucy Sophie, Vinny and myself came up with "Second Irishood". Our installation, featured a screen which projected a videos of Irish dancing that we edited which would be controlled by user input through glowsticks detected by a web cam. The idea was for user to stand in front of the screen, moved the glowsticks and their bodies to the music and for the screen to react with them. We wanted to make the installation engaging and encourage movement.

I learned ALOT from the experience! I've seen installations in galleries and museums before and they look so simple to do...but it was tough! There is soooo many elements involved, there is the ideas process, the making of it, making sure it works, putting it together, putting the various files from different programmes together, seeing if it works,organisation of roles and meetings, the heavy labour of setting it up and taking it down, discussing your project with visitors, documenting comments etc....I could go on....

In the end round our proposed interaction with the screen failed! We had the long complicated ActionScript done (with the help of other classmates) and we late the night before were going to make a simple change to a video and import it back in...the Flash file then failed to work again and no one knew we had to find a plan B

But that actually didn't work out too bad. The people who visited on the open day seemed to like it and seemed to believe that with the glowsticks they were in fact interacting with the .swf we put up!

I found the overall experience very rewarding and I am looking forward to out next projection on 14th April '10 where we will be projecting onto the front of Plassey House!

G x

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What it means for me to be a Designer?

I've never regarded myself as a designer until this year in IMedia when we were told collectively that we were. Mikael Fernstorm recommended we put the title on our business cards. I thought wow, I don't have business cards, but that's a fancy title I'd like to take!

But it does make sense I guess ever since I've been young I have always been a bit "creative". Whether it be singing, painting, drawing or playing my music, or shouting at my fellow 8 year old actor friends when they said something wrong in the play or movie I created(probabley because they couldn't read properly yet)...I could go on...but I won't embarrass myself another further...let's just say there is a few videos and tapes in the Leonard household as evidence :P

I guess as a designer it all starts with an idea. Inspiration plays a big factor. I always had good ideas, especially in primary and secondary school. But then when these were demanded of me in Unversity I could'nt think, they just flew out the window and I hit a mental block. Maybe if I was put back into a 5th year double French class again I would have some of the best ideas of my life... but I don't really see that happening.Inspiration these days hits me at the most random times. And the things that pen and paper create are endless.

But I guess when your producing work whether it be something small or a big project it is all about engaging the audience. Enticing them somehow to pay more attention, look a little further, explore and ultimately for them to be entertained in some way or another. It's about knowing your user and providing them with something that interests them...

But I also think it's about yourself. If you are happy with a product it makes you happy, and if you see something working for you, you just want to keep working on that. If something comes easily to you, you want to work as hard as you can on it.

Other peoples opinions on your work is also crucial. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's embarrassing, sometimes deep down you know it's not good and you just don't want someone else saying it out loud... but it has to be done! You benefit from it. Learn from mistakes. But also it's a major confidence boost when their response is positive.


G x

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Arduino class - Fernando Orellana

These are some videos of what myself and Brian came up with in our work shop with Fernando! I found the class really interesting and it's made me think I could possibly have the potential to make something half decent...maybe ...if I'm lucky:P

G x

Monday, March 1, 2010

Presenatation - Mobility and it's implications

So we had our presentation there recently and I like to think it went OK however i think we approached it wrong...approached it maybe the way we did Liam Bannon presentations... as apposed to what Gariela Avram wanted...

Myself, Jill and Brian were in a group and we decided to take the topic of Mobility and it's Implications from the list on the wiki. We thought it would be an interesting topic and the informaton about it ws vast and it was open to many angles.

We chose to read “Reflecting Human Values in the Digital Age” by Sellen, Rogers, Harper and Rodden, as we knew the class was familiar with it from Luiginia’s module last semester. We also chose “The Next Wave of Nomadic Computing: A research Agenda for Information System Research” by Lyytinen and Yoo, as well as “Expanding the ‘Mobility’ Concept” by Kakihara and Sorensen (a paper recommended by to us by Fabiano who's presentation had been the week before).

Most off my research was done online. I read different articles and researched computers and their advances. Some of my ideas were inspired from Fabiano’s presentation. I found the concept of the ‘digital nomad’ very interesting in his talk. I did research it more, but didn’t want to go into to delve into it for our presentation as I felt it wasn’t relevant and we as a class knew enough about it already from him. I read pieces from a thesis by Kakihara about mobility as well; “Emerging Work Practices of ICT-Enabled Mobile Professionals” but much of the concepts was the same as the other paper. As I mentioned in the presentation when I was researching the topic there was not much written about the social implications of the advances in computer mobility. Most the information online discussed various computer models and the year they came out. I decided I would talk to my parents about what their memories of computer mobility were and share it with the class.

I tried to make the presentation engaging. I wanted to add fun elements to it as well as being informative. I added, what I thought were attention grabbing aspects such as references to television characters (Zac Morris, ‘Saved by the Bell’) as well as a funny video (John Cleese).

We decided that at the end of the presentation we would have a discussion. We wanted to interact with the class and see what their thoughts were. I thought they brought up some valid and different points and the conversation was interesting and thought provoking. Overall I felt the presentation went well, perhaps maybe my nerves got the better of me, but I was happy with it in the end round.

Here is the link to the video I used in the presentation

G x

Mock ups of users using my inteactive dressong space!

G x

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sketches for my Interactive Dressing Space

So these are a few sketches from my final thesis proposal. I hope some of the ideas r clear! It's something i'm really looking forward to conquering and all goes well!

G x

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Presentation 1 - by Beata

This my mind map of Colette....

... and this is hers of me!

Beata's presentation about Mind mapping lead us to make our own ones. She paired us randomly wit people in the class. I got the lovely Colette! was a tough job :P hehe no i really enjoyed it and got to know her a bit better...

I found it really thought provoking and will probably use it further in my creative-studiness! and really enjoyed Beata's presentation!

G x

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thesis in Brief ... eeek!

So here is a draft of my shortened thesis proposal, Feel free to leave comments, I would love some feedback....

For my thesis, I propose to make an Interactive Dressing Space. I hope to incorporate it with social networking and allow it to have Internet connectivity. I have gone back to my original, original idea, which is inspired by my part-time job as a shop assistant, hobbies, my own personal interests, and ideas. I hope then this will act as my driving force throughout the project. I decided to go in another direction from my proposed idea at Christmas, an installation teaching children about fire safety as a continuation from my undergraduate final year project. I felt I had lost interest in the topic and wouldn’t feel motivated by it. I am also enthusiastic to move on and learn about a different subject.

A wave of inspiration came to me late one night and I have many many ideas. I want to make it a fun experience for users, something they could use in their everyday routine, for it to potentially become a common feature in many households in the future. I feel the project could have huge potential and the features could be limitless. I could try and add many different features or else I could concentrate on just a few.

I propose to use RFID tags, which will be attached to the items of clothing. This will make them recognizable when a user enters the dressing space. Inside the dressing space in the room is a large mirror and a small touch screen computer mounted beside it, there is also speakers mounted beside it. I hope events such as
• Computer recognizes RFID tag on clothing item and suggests matching clothes to wear with it, whether it be something they already own, or something online
• Computer is able to locate missing pieces of clothing in the room of the dressing space through the RFID tags e.g. where are my shoes?
• Fun music may be played for different items that enter the space e.g. Red Beret = Raspberry Beret – by Prince (or the artist formally known as) etc.
• Dressing space is able to tell the user what time it is and what the weather is like through the internet
… and I have many many more ideas and diagrams!(but have been told to write only one page!)
Also inside the dressing room I hope to have a web cam, this can be used perhaps for the users to upload pictures of themselves to social networking sites etc., for them to get a better of view off themselves on the computer screen e.g. from behind or else perhaps it could be used as a motion detector to navigate on the computer screen.

I am looking forward to doing my research for the topic. I hope to look into topics such as appearance, social networking, fashion, clothes, music, visuals and how they affect people. I enjoy watching and studying people and their reactions to certain things and am looking forward to discovering new things about human behavior.

I am enthusiastic to here your opinions and ideas on my project, and am willing to make adaptations and changes to it.

G x

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Inspirational Videos!

Here are some videos I have seen at the begining of my research. It's nice to have this page so I am able to watch them again and reflect and maybe come up with more ideas.

I am embed all videos in this post

G x


I had some late night inspiration for my thesis! I'm very excited, very much like my original idea (not the fire safety installation). Only problem is I don't know how original it is yet so I am researching it now...I don't know anyway if the orginality matters because it is going to have my own twist!

G x

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2nd February 2010

So here I am in my apartment in the T.V room, which is unusual because we usually have to use the wire connections in our bedrooms...however on Sunday evening my roommate discovered someone else's wireless network which we could connect to bahahahaha!(evil laugh)

So its Tuesday, and I'm just about getting over my Monday blues. Today seemed like a long day in college, so much so I took a 2 hour nap at 4 o' clock :P We learned about Adobe Flash, and did a bit of ActionScript. I had done my final year project for my undergrad using Flash but there is soooooooooooooooooooooo much to learn it was nice discovering a few bits and refreshing my memory!

I also made a group for my Principles of Interactive Media class. I think we are going do our presntation on computers and mobility, it should be interesting.

I'm really enjoying the Contempory Art in the Public Realm class. I'm really looking forward to showing off the product, and think we have a good group! I'm a bit lost with all the ideas but am enjoying the research.

The elephant in the room for me, has to be my thesis this year. It's so funny because usually i'm alright with ideas, but as soon as I'm under any pressure I find it hard. Also I'm so used to doing group work I feel a bit out in open water without a life jacket! I decided in Dec to do an interactive installation for children teaching them about fire safety, and although it may seem like a good idea I sort of feel like I'm cheating as I did a flash game for children teaching them the same topic...I'm scared and time is running out fast...

I wouldn't mind doing it on something I enjoy and that's....clothes, celebrity gossip, other stuff too hehe!...I'm stuck in a rut!...

G x

My First Post on

When proposed in class that I should start a blog, I wasn't to sure it. I wasn't sure I was too comfortable about expressing my thoughts and interests for the whole world to see... even though I doubt they would stumble upon my page. However I think it may be a good thing to let things out in the open. To include my thoughts, recommendations and she how I grow in My year in IMedia....

So here you go, here is my first post!

G x