Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sketches for my Interactive Dressing Space

So these are a few sketches from my final thesis proposal. I hope some of the ideas r clear! It's something i'm really looking forward to conquering and all goes well!

G x

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Presentation 1 - by Beata

This my mind map of Colette....

... and this is hers of me!

Beata's presentation about Mind mapping lead us to make our own ones. She paired us randomly wit people in the class. I got the lovely Colette! was a tough job :P hehe no i really enjoyed it and got to know her a bit better...

I found it really thought provoking and will probably use it further in my creative-studiness! and really enjoyed Beata's presentation!

G x

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thesis in Brief ... eeek!

So here is a draft of my shortened thesis proposal, Feel free to leave comments, I would love some feedback....

For my thesis, I propose to make an Interactive Dressing Space. I hope to incorporate it with social networking and allow it to have Internet connectivity. I have gone back to my original, original idea, which is inspired by my part-time job as a shop assistant, hobbies, my own personal interests, and ideas. I hope then this will act as my driving force throughout the project. I decided to go in another direction from my proposed idea at Christmas, an installation teaching children about fire safety as a continuation from my undergraduate final year project. I felt I had lost interest in the topic and wouldn’t feel motivated by it. I am also enthusiastic to move on and learn about a different subject.

A wave of inspiration came to me late one night and I have many many ideas. I want to make it a fun experience for users, something they could use in their everyday routine, for it to potentially become a common feature in many households in the future. I feel the project could have huge potential and the features could be limitless. I could try and add many different features or else I could concentrate on just a few.

I propose to use RFID tags, which will be attached to the items of clothing. This will make them recognizable when a user enters the dressing space. Inside the dressing space in the room is a large mirror and a small touch screen computer mounted beside it, there is also speakers mounted beside it. I hope events such as
• Computer recognizes RFID tag on clothing item and suggests matching clothes to wear with it, whether it be something they already own, or something online
• Computer is able to locate missing pieces of clothing in the room of the dressing space through the RFID tags e.g. where are my shoes?
• Fun music may be played for different items that enter the space e.g. Red Beret = Raspberry Beret – by Prince (or the artist formally known as) etc.
• Dressing space is able to tell the user what time it is and what the weather is like through the internet
… and I have many many more ideas and diagrams!(but have been told to write only one page!)
Also inside the dressing room I hope to have a web cam, this can be used perhaps for the users to upload pictures of themselves to social networking sites etc., for them to get a better of view off themselves on the computer screen e.g. from behind or else perhaps it could be used as a motion detector to navigate on the computer screen.

I am looking forward to doing my research for the topic. I hope to look into topics such as appearance, social networking, fashion, clothes, music, visuals and how they affect people. I enjoy watching and studying people and their reactions to certain things and am looking forward to discovering new things about human behavior.

I am enthusiastic to here your opinions and ideas on my project, and am willing to make adaptations and changes to it.

G x

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Inspirational Videos!

Here are some videos I have seen at the begining of my research. It's nice to have this page so I am able to watch them again and reflect and maybe come up with more ideas.

I am embed all videos in this post

G x


I had some late night inspiration for my thesis! I'm very excited, very much like my original idea (not the fire safety installation). Only problem is I don't know how original it is yet so I am researching it now...I don't know anyway if the orginality matters because it is going to have my own twist!

G x

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2nd February 2010

So here I am in my apartment in the T.V room, which is unusual because we usually have to use the wire connections in our bedrooms...however on Sunday evening my roommate discovered someone else's wireless network which we could connect to bahahahaha!(evil laugh)

So its Tuesday, and I'm just about getting over my Monday blues. Today seemed like a long day in college, so much so I took a 2 hour nap at 4 o' clock :P We learned about Adobe Flash, and did a bit of ActionScript. I had done my final year project for my undergrad using Flash but there is soooooooooooooooooooooo much to learn it was nice discovering a few bits and refreshing my memory!

I also made a group for my Principles of Interactive Media class. I think we are going do our presntation on computers and mobility, it should be interesting.

I'm really enjoying the Contempory Art in the Public Realm class. I'm really looking forward to showing off the product, and think we have a good group! I'm a bit lost with all the ideas but am enjoying the research.

The elephant in the room for me, has to be my thesis this year. It's so funny because usually i'm alright with ideas, but as soon as I'm under any pressure I find it hard. Also I'm so used to doing group work I feel a bit out in open water without a life jacket! I decided in Dec to do an interactive installation for children teaching them about fire safety, and although it may seem like a good idea I sort of feel like I'm cheating as I did a flash game for children teaching them the same topic...I'm scared and time is running out fast...

I wouldn't mind doing it on something I enjoy and that's....clothes, celebrity gossip, other stuff too hehe!...I'm stuck in a rut!...

G x

My First Post on

When proposed in class that I should start a blog, I wasn't to sure it. I wasn't sure I was too comfortable about expressing my thoughts and interests for the whole world to see... even though I doubt they would stumble upon my page. However I think it may be a good thing to let things out in the open. To include my thoughts, recommendations and she how I grow in My year in IMedia....

So here you go, here is my first post!

G x